Rational Creative Approaches

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Rational Creative Approaches

Some of the tactics typically used in marketing communication that is framed upon the logical approach include:

  • Listing Product Benefits – To use this method effectively, the advertisement must underscore consumer benefits rather than product features.
  • Convincing Proof – This approach is based upon the premise, “Seeing is believing.” Ads or commercials take the form of a product demonstration.
1) Comparative advertising: Comparison is made in terms of one or more product attributes. Types of comparative advertising
  • Implicit
  • Explicit
  • Verbal
  • Visual

2) Inoculative advertising: Building Resistant Attitudes A consumer can be made more resistant to competitive appeals by attempting to make a brand offer more attractive.

3) Refutation advertising: A process of explicitly or implicitly stating competitive appeals and then refuting them, instead of dealing exclusively with brand benefits.

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